New Interview with Rosie Day From Elle Magazine (SPOILERS!)   2 comments

Here is a new Interview with Rosie Day from Elle Magazine


From Elle Magazine:

“What’s that person’s deal, again?”

I could make a drinking game out of how many times my husband has asked me that question in the past few weeks while watching Outlander. To start its sophomore season, the Starz period drama jolted us from its Scotland setting to Paris, introducing us to enough sneering men with ponytails and corseted debutantes to fill Versailles (which is exactly where protagonists Claire and Jamie Fraser have been hanging out). 

At times, it can be hard to keep some of the show’s fresh faces straight—but never Mary Hawkins, the naive teenager who’s all birdlike frame, Disney-cartoon eyes, scruples, and earnestness. You couldn’t possibly mistake her heartbreakingly innocent character for anyone else, the lone fragile bird in the snake pit of the French court.

More after the jump!

“Mary always needs saving!” Rosie Day, the 21-year-old Brit who plays her, says, laughing. In real life, Rosie laughs big, speaks quickly, and is “nothing like” her demure, stammering character. We caught up with Day after her biggest episode yet—the one with her rape scene—to see how she’s handling her new level of fame and what we can expect for the rest of season 2 of Outlander. Here, 4 things we learned (spoilers ahead!):


From this week’s episode onwards, Scotland is back in the picture— which should come as a relief to viewers who love these new French court personalities but also miss the familiar kilt-clad characters of the Highlands. Think of the rest of the season as Paris meets Scotland: What could be better?

Read the rest of the article here! 

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