
This morning someone I follow on Facebook posted this statement, “The term March Madness has taken on a whole new meaning for me.”  I believe I laughed out loud because I knew EXACTLY what she was talking about.   She and I have been part of the craziness that is leading up to Tartan Week in NYC.

First, let me say that I signed up to go to Tartan Week BS (Before Sam) because the gals in my local fan group, OH-landers (hey girls hey!), said of all the Scottish related events they had attended including Outlander events -THIS- was by far the most fun they had together.  Looking at the pictures they shared from last year and reading stories of their adventures, it sure did look and sound like they had fun!  My local group had joined forces with other local groups who had formed a new group called Outlanders United.  They were the folks that asked the Tartan Week Committee if we could be part of the parade.  Starz was a sponsor last year and the lucky Outlander fans that attended got to represent with banners and spiffy t-shirts!

Read more after the jump!

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