NEW Interview with Sophie Skelton from Collider

Here is a NEW Interview with Sophie Skelton from Collider

From Collider:

“Never My Love,” named after the song from 1967, came with a trigger warning at the top of the episode that noted it included “disturbing scenes of a violent and sexual nature,” and provided the link to Stars of the series, including Caitriona Balfe (Claire Fraser), Sam Heughan (Jamie Fraser) and Sophie Skelton (Brianna Mackenzie) also warned fans in advance on their social media pages that the episode tackled difficult material. Indeed, Claire was assaulted and raped by Lionel Brown and some of his men.

More after the jump!

“Thank you all for riding with us on this rollercoaster journey that has been season 5. Please note, this might be another tough one in this season to watch for some of you. If you are a survivor of sexual assault, please take care of yourself during this ep. and please remember that @rainn is a free, confidential, 24hr support hotline should you need it. Their number is: 800-656-HOPE (4673) or if you don’t feel like talking out loud, then Online Please also note that very important word… survivor. 🤍 Sending lots of love x #strongerthanyouthink,” Skelton shared on Instagram.

There was a lot of painful trauma portrayed in the episode – material pulled from Diana Gabaldon‘s A Breath of Snow and Ashes – what seemed like a primal-driven rescue, and tearful moments of reunion – like when Claire returned home and saw the daughter she thought she’d never see again – Brianna, in front of her telling her, “I’m home.”