*Please Read* We are taking a short break – Don’t forget to tell those close to you, that you love them

Hi all, 


We’re taking a short break, we’ve tweeted about it, but we know not all our followers on Twitter. We need a short break, but we will be back soon. We just have a lot going on right now. As we mentioned on Twitter both Paige and I are dealing with some stuff. We don’t want you guys to think we’re abandoning you, because we aren’t. 

My best-friend’s dad was diagnosed with stage 4 liver and lung cancer last Friday. It came out of the blue. They didn’t know he was sick. They all found out last Friday. He was given between 1-3 weeks to live, so I’m spending time with her and her family. He’s chosen to die on Monday. So they only have a few days left with him. My dad has cancer as well and I’ve been dealing with health issues as some of you know. So all of this is very hard to handle at the same time on top of the website. Please keep my best-friend and her family in your thoughts. They have a tough road ahead of them. 

Remember to tell those close to you how much you love them, because you can never really know how much time you have left with them. 

Thank you all for the incredible amount of support you’ve given us on Twitter. 

Lots of love, 

Marie & Paige