NEW Interview with David Berry from TV Guide

Here a NEW Interview with David Berry from TV Guide

From TV Guide:

Sunday’s newest episode of Outlander brought fans another unexpected reunion when Lord John Grey (David Berry) arrived at Fraser’s Ridge. The traveling Red Coat found his way to Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire’s (Caitriona Balfe) new home on his way north.

While Jamie was glad to see his old friend, Claire was not enthused to see the former prison guard in her cabin — especially once she realized he had brought Jamie’s biological son Willie with him. Matters only became more complicated when John came down with measles before he and young William could leave, forcing Jamie to take his son away from the quarantine and Claire to spend a few days alone with a man she knew harbored feelings for her husband and still maintained an intimate relationship with Jamie that she could never understand.

More after the jump!

Between fever baths and feeding John Grey soup, Claire and the British lord were able to talk openly and honestly about their respective connections to Jamie and found common ground in their mutual jealousy. The measles may have almost cost John his life, but it also helped him and Claire reach a much better understanding of each other.

At the end of the episode, John rode off into the sunset with Willie while Jamie and Claire resumed their lives working the land. TV Guide spoke to Berry about John and Claire’s tense discussion and subsequent resolve — and what it means for John’s relationship with both the Frasers going forward. See what he had to say below!

What was John’s intention for visiting the Frasers? He admits he still has feelings for Jamie, but does wanting to see Jamie translate into John still holding out hope that there will be a physical relationship there?

David Berry: Oh, no. No, no, no. I don’t think so. At the dance, and he said, Lord John’s coming with an expectation that Jamie is going to have a relationship with him, but physically absolutely not. I think he does have feelings for him, and he does want to see Jamie and so on and so forth, and that may be a motivator for him being there. But I think that there’s also a deeply compassionate reason for him to be there, which is, as he says quite fed up, that it’s to allow Jamie to see his son and for [Willie] to see Jamie, even though, unbeknownst to him, Jamie is his real father.

And do you think John was at all worried that letting Jamie see Willie would ignite Jamie’s desire to be more in Willie’s life?

Berry: I don’t know if that would be. I think the only worries he would have is that William may [find out] that Jamie is his real father, and the effect that that would have on the child. And of course, what would John say? I think he knows that it’s selfish of him. What if he found out the truth? But I don’t think that phases Lord John. I think he’s thinking longterm. He’s thinking further down the track. At some stage in this child’s life, he may reveal to him that Jamie is his real father. I think that’s his secret hope, that they could have a relationship, that is William and Jamie.