NEW Interview with Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan and Matt Roberts from ELLE Magazine

Here is a NEW Interview with Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan and Matt Roberts from ELLE Magazine

From ELLE:

Outlander executive producer Matthew B. Roberts admits that he was trying to get fans all riled up when he first tweeted about the show’s most anticipated episode this season—the print shop reunion between time-crossed lovers Jamie and Claire—but what he did wasn’t the traditional tease. Back when Roberts was writing the script for episode six, “A. Malcolm,” last fall, he shared a snippet of a script, fuzzed out to obscure all but one section that read, “INT. PRINT SHOP…. Jamie enters.” And then he sat back and wanted for the responses to roll in.

More after the jump!

Unless you’re a dyed-in-the-wool fan of the series—books and show, especially—you might not understand exactly why this tiny glimpse caused such a kerfuffle. But that little detail revealed a lot about how this long-awaited scene was going to come together. “I knew I was being diabolical,” Roberts chuckled when giving a tour of the show’s Cape Town, South Africa sets. “I knew the fans were going to lose their shit, and be all angry, thinking we’re changing it, that it wasn’t going to be right. And I was right. Everybody went completely crazy.”

Most fans of book-to-television adaptations are quite used to major alterations—heck, Game of Thrones features characters who are dead on the show but alive in the books, and vice versa. But Outlander has always taken pride in being more faithful to the text than most, the text being in this case a series of books by Diana Gabaldon. Because of the crucial reunion happened in the third book in the series, Voyager, readers were expecting a certain sequence of events when Claire and Jamie reunited after two decades apart in different centuries—a sequence that most decidedly does not start with Jamie entering the shop. Fans were quick to point that out on Twitter (“Why does it say ‘JAMIE enters’? He’s already there!”, “Page 312. Not that I’ve memorized it!”). Roberts’ response? “Be calm and print shop on.” And as the worried fans tried to catch a breath, they also tried to trust him. “This may well be the biggest moment in television history,” one fan reminded him.

“It’s really hard to do something that comes with so much expectation!” actress Catriona Balfe, who plays Claire Randall Fraser, told us. “I always have trepidations about that. It’s almost like, the more people want it be something really, really huge, the more I want to go, ‘No, I want it to be like…. We just want to do it like…’ You can never go into a scene thinking about the audience, because then it stops being about just two people, and it becomes about two people and the audience. So that was the most challenging thing about the print shop scene, to strip away all the noise.”