NEW Interview with David Berry from SONY

Here is a NEW Interview with David Berry from SONY

From SONY:

What do you think has sustained the bond between Lord John Grey and Jamie, from when they first met in Season 2 to their encounter at the prison in Season 3?

I think the encounter John had with Jamie was a defining moment in his youth. John has been suffering the shame he brought to his family ever since. So primarily it’s fear and hatred. At the beginning of the episode John and Jamie are enemies.

More after the jump!

What do you think of the parallel between the roles John and Black Jack Randall play in impacting Jamie’s fate, from opposite ends of the spectrum?

On one end of the spectrum is Black Jack who craves power and that manifests in a desire to dominate Jamie. On the other end is John who wants love and that manifests in a desire to show compassion towards Jamie in spite of his enmity towards him. John is compassionate; Jack is cruel. Both men lust for Jamie, but only John has the honor to accept Jamie’s refusal. The scar that Jack left on Jamie dictates his harsh refutation of John advances.

Your character has been familiar to the audience since last season, but this is the first time you appear on-screen. What were the stakes for you jumping into the story at this pivotal point?

It’s difficult stepping into the shoes of a character so well-known and beloved by readers of the Outlander book series. Not only do I have to measure up to the fine performance given by Oscar in Season 2, I have the almost impossible task of trying to meet the expectations of fans who know Lord John and have a perfectly formed vision of how he should appear and behave from Diana’s books. So, I guess you could say the stakes are pretty high!

Read the rest of the interview here