New Interview with Diana Gabaldon and Sam Heughan from Parade

Here is a new interview with Diana Gabaldon and Sam Heughan from Parade


From Parade:

Outlander wraps up its epic second season on Saturday night with a 90-minute finale that finishes up the second book in the series,Dragonfly in Amber, which is also the name of the episode.

More after the jump!

“In the finale, you will have to tune in to find out, but we really are coming down to zero hour,” Sam Heughan, who plays Jamie Fraser, said in an earlier interview. It is all about this point in time, which is the Battle of Culloden, and whether we can stop it or not. That is what is going to happen.”

In the episode, we flash forward to 1968, where Claire (Caitriona Balfe)revisits the past and reveals to her daughter, Brianna (Sophie Skelton), the truth about her parentage.

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