PSA: We Need Your Help

Hello all,

I wanted to quickly address what’s going on with the screencaps and other media that we post on our site, and why our screencaps had to go up later than normal. We recently reached our maximum upload limit on our site. So, we had to make a decision: either pay for the next WordPress upgrade/plan or pay to transfer our site to our own web hosting service. In the long run, we decided to pay for the next WordPress upgrade/plan because it would cost us less money overall. We’re always trying to save money any way we can, but still give you all the best possible content and user experience. With that being said, it was still rather expensive to upgrade our site. So, we’re asking for you help.

Over the past 2 years that we’ve had this site, you all have been rather remarkable and have donated quite a lot to us. And every single penny you donated has gone towards maintaining this website. It has gone towards paying for our domain name, paying for storage upgrades, paying for giveaway prizes, paying for posters and other goodies to give out when we saw you at premieres or other events. We’ve also put a lot of our own money, blood, sweat and tears into this site, because we care about it and we care about you.

Therefore, we are coming to you once again. We need your help. If you can donate to us, to our site, to this passion project that has grown far beyond what any of us expected, we would be so unbelievably thankful, words would not be able to describe it. We have always been thankful for all of you and that will never change. No matter what happens, this site will always persevere, and if we can get help along the way, we will kindly and graciously accept it.

Thanks for being awesome,

The Outlander Online Team