New Interview with Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan and Tobias Menzies from Yahoo


From Yahoo:

Warning: This postmortem contains spoilers for the “Untimely Resurrection” episode of Outlander.

Read more after the jump!

Just when you thought all was on its way to being right on the Fraser front — Claire had come clean about Black Jack surviving the stampede and Jamie didn’t spiral, they’d caught a potential break in their quest to change the future, and perhaps most importantly they got their bedroom mojo back — the Sassenach and the Highlander started seeing red. More specifically, they spied the signature red coat of one Black Jack Randall, the haunter of Jamie’s dreams and the historic doppelganger of Claire’s future husband Frank, standing in the gardens of Versailles and hoping to have a word with King Louis XV about his wrongfully fired brother.

“It was a huge day for me. To see that red coat in the gardens was very striking,” Sam Heughan tells Yahoo TV. “I hadn’t seen Tobias [Menzies], and certainly haven’t seen Black Jack, since we shot Season 1, and it brought up a lot of emotional memories. But it’s a very awkward and dangerous moment because the King’s there. I’ve got to be very courteous and pleasant to my biggest enemy, yet all I wanted to do as Jamie was address Randall, look him in the eye, and stare him down. Jamie wants to kill this man, maybe needs to kill him.”

Read the entire article at the source