SPOILERS: A Look at Season 2 Potentially Award Winning scenes

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I can’t believe it’s been six months since we last saw a new episode of Outlander!  However, Starz new season 2 promo gave us lots to look forward to, so I’m back on Outlander Online anticipating away!  For my first look ahead for Season 2, we are going to need a crystal ball or binoculars because I’m peering pretty far down the road and into the future. The dust has barely settled on the Golden Globe announcements and I’m already thinking about next year.  It isn’t that I’m that fickle or ungrateful, on the contrary, I’m still feeling that warm glow of recognition.  I’m thrilled that Outlander and those folks who worked so hard to make it a show to be proud of are getting the attention they deserve.  It is an exciting time to be an Outlander fan.

But, I’m still also fretting about Sam Heughan.  I know the competition was tough.  I know we were lucky to get any nods, but still… I’ll argue for his performance deserving an award against anyone’s.  It was truly remarkable.  However, what is done is done and being a pragmatic person, I’m moving on.  I know there are other awards coming up and maybe someone will take a closer look at Outlander because of the Golden Globes and if they do maybe they’ll recognize Sam’s performance as award winning.  Do we get to vote? No?  …damn…

Read more after the jump! 

So, as I said,  today I’m looking toward the future.  Yesterday, I read an EW interview that Ron gave and regarding Sam’s snub he said,

“He has a much bigger part in the second season. If you think of the arc of his character in this first season, it was a much slower build,” says Moore. “It was really Claire’s story, which included certain issues and characters along the way. He certainly has a lot more material in the second season than in the first.”


This started me thinking about Dragonfly in Amber and which scenes had the potential to earn our trio, Sam Heughan, Caitriona Balfe, and Tobias Menzies, awards nods next year.

There are potentially a lot, like when I’m sure PTSD will rear its ugly head, when Jamie sees Alex Randall for the first time or when he sees Jack Randall come back from the dead. Claire’s scene in the secret chamber with Master Raymond, the King, and Count St. Germain and her time in the hospital are all potentially great scenes that lend themselves to award-winning performances.  But, in my opinion, there are three particular scenes so fraught with emotion they may be as difficult to watch as Wentworth (well, okay maybe not as hard as that).  I believe by the time these scenes roll across our screens we will be so invested in Jamie and Claire’s relationship it will be difficult not to identify with them.  The audience will care about them and feel for them and with them.


This scene follows on the heels of Jamie discovering that Jack Randall is alive.  Claire knows that Jamie will challenge Jack to a duel.  It is hard to tell how the writers will fit this scene into the story, but it is so vital I can’t imagine it would be left out.   We will see Claire struggle with her belief that if Jamie kills Jack he will also be killing Frank.  Desperate to keep Jamie from killing or being killed, she tells the authorities that Black Jack is guilty of rape and he is put in jail before Jamie can challenge him in a duel.

The scene that follows when Jamie realizes what she has done is filled with feelings of betrayal, disbelief, and then outrage when she begs him to promise not to kill Black Jack for her sake.

“How can you ask it of me?  You of all people…”

How could she ask him? How could she not? This scene will ask the viewer the questions “What would you ask of or do for those you love?” and “What are you willing to risk to do the right thing?”  Caitronia Balfe and Sam Heughan will have the chance to show us.


I’m not sure how this scene will be changed, but I’m guessing that we won’t see it played out exactly like the book based on what I saw in the Season 2 trailer.

This scene is one of my top three because of its theme of loss, grief and forgiveness.  Jamie and Claire experience a great loss and Claire blames Jamie.  He blames himself as well.  Their grief is more than double because they have lost each other as well as their child. Even when Claire comes to understand Jamie’s reasons for what she sees as a betrayal and even admitting to herself that she probably would have lost the child anyway, the grief she experiences may be too great to overcome.  She clings desperately to the numbing oblivion of her depression.  Thinking and feeling are too painful.  When Jamie begs her to give him but one moment because he “does not even know if it was a boy or a girl”, it’s heart-wrenching. I read these scenes with tears streaming down my face. I can’t imagine how I’ll get through watching Claire and Jamie’s struggle back to each other.


By the end of season 2, I’m sure the viewers of Outlander on Starz will feel as intimate with Jamie and Claire as the readers did at the end of the second book. I don’t think I even have words to express the beauty of the that final scene of Jamie and Claire together.  Jamie knows he is a walking dead man and asks Claire to return to the future.  At first, she refuses more than willing to die with him, but Jamie breaks through to her when he reveals that he knows she carries his child and begs her to go for their child’s sake.  Their farewell to each other for what they believe is forever is more than moving.  It is beautifully devastatingly wondrous, a monumental moment of true love and self-sacrifice. Sam and Cait will have the chance to leave viewers feeling lifted up by love and yet, gutted by its loss. Lord, I hope they kept the initials scene!

So, as you can see, there are plenty of meaty scenes and plenty of potential to impress. Personally, I can’t wait to see Sam and Cait and Tobias’ award winning performances in season 2. Cuz…Outlander!

Remember to check back next week for more Outlandish Anticipation!