NEW Interview with Matt Roberts from Parade

Here is a NEW Interview with Matt Roberts From Parade

From Parade:

Droughtlander finally ended on Sunday, March 6 with the premiere of Outlander Season 6, and needless to say, it was a memorable episode with the introduction of the Christie family to Fraser’s Ridge as they will play an essential role as the season unfolds.

More after the jump!

It’s been more than 20 years since Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) interacted with Tom Christie (Mark Lewis Jones), so the patriarch of the Christie family was skillfully reintroduced to viewers by a newly created flashback to Jamie’s time at Ardsmuir Prison. The writers largely culled the events from Voyager, bestselling author Diana Gabaldon’s third novel in the Outlander series, pulled from Jamie’s narrative in the early part of the novel and from the memories of his time in prison that he later related to Claire (Caitríona Balfe).

“[Showrunner] Matt [B. Roberts] did a great job taking those disparate bits and adding his own stuff to make a compact story—changing the young boy whose tartan is exposed to an old man who’s ‘away wi’ the fairies’ (as they tactfully say in Scotland), the explicit rumbles over rabbits and Jacobite songs, and some of the dialogue between Colonel Quarry [Jay Villiers] and Jamie,” Gabaldon exclusively tells Parade in critiquing the episode. “Most importantly, the flashback gives us our first look at Thomas Christie; his personality and background, and (most importantly) the basis of his relationship with Jamie.”

In the episode, Jamie was none too thrilled when he returned to the Big House on Fraser’s Ridge after a visit to Marsali (Lauren Lyle) to find Tom had been welcomed to the Ridge by Roger (Richard Rankin) and Brianna (Sophie Skelton), who had no idea of the history between the two men—no knowledge that Tom was actually Jamie’s nemesis. But as Jamie himself told Claire, when he issued the flyer welcoming settlers from Ardsmuir to the Ridge, he hadn’t said, “Except for Tom Christie.”

“When I saw Mark’s first full scene as Tom in the dailies, I went and found him on Twitter and sent him a DM saying, ‘Congratulations—you’ve got that man cold!’” Gabaldon shared. “And he really does. You can see Tom’s conflicts as clearly as if they were printed on his T-shirt, and yet you never, ever have the feeling that it’s acting.”