NEW Interview with Duncan Lacroix with Town & Country

Here is a NEW Interview with Duncan Lacroix with Town & Country

From T&C:

Claire is the love of Jamie Fraser’s life, but the bond he shares with his godfather Murtagh Fraser may be almost as fundamental to who Jamie is. Murtagh was his companion and protector in Scotland and France—he helped nurse Jamie through his trauma at the hands of Captain Jack Randall and he was with him at the battle of Culloden, where both men thought they would die. So when Murtagh shows up unexpectedly in the fifth episode ofseason four, his reveal—and their reunion—is almost as big a deal as the print shop episode of Season 3. (Hey, I said almost.)

Murtagh, played by English actor Duncan Lacroix, is working as a blacksmith in Willem’s Creek, the town where Jamie and young Ian have ventured unsuccessfully to recruit settlers for Fraser’s Ridge.

More after the jump!

He and Jamie haven’t seen each other in years, since Murtagh was shipped off from Ardsmuir Prison to serve as an indentured servant in the American colonies. He is now free, though Jamie quickly discovers that he is a regulator, fomenting rebellion against the English military forces with which Jamie has forged a fragile alliance.

Murtagh’s appearance is a big deal for another reason as well: It’s a significant break from the books. His character dies at Culloden in Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. T&C spoke to Lacroix (pictured at the top of this post in an earlier season) about this break from the books, playing a revolutionary, and how he got back into character.

What did you think about bringing back Murtagh in season four, even though he’s long dead in the books?
Well obviously it’s a gamble by the writers and the show runners. They obviously felt that the character was important enough to that family unit to survive. I’m a bit worried to see some of the reactions—it’s going to be interesting. But by the same token it’s not my job to worry about the differences between the book and the show. My job is to act what’s in the script.

You filmed this season in Scotland, but it takes place in North Carolina. Was it hard to keep in mind that you were supposed to be in America?
You’re basically working in exactly the same fields and the same locations, and it’s Scotland, but you just put that out of your mind. You’re already imagining that you’re back in the 18th century anyways—that’s the bigger leap. And the set we have, Fraser’s Ridge, is fantastic. What Jon Gary Steel built was incredible—it’s not a hard leap for the imagination.