NEW Interview With Graham McTavish from Den of Greek

Here is a NEW Interview with Graham McTavish from Den of Geek

Graham McTavish as The Saint of Killers – Preacher _ Season 2, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Skip Bolen/AMC

From Den of Geek:

The cowboy known as the Saint of Killers, who was relegated to flashbacks seemingly unrelated to the main action in season 1 of AMC’s Preacher, may have snuck up on some viewers, but that’s about to change as Preacher season 2 premieres tonight with a two-hour episode that promises to feature Graham McTavish’s cowboy in a way that will leave little doubt as to his central role in the ongoing story.

More after the jump!

“He is more prominent in season 2,” McTavish promises. “Right from the get-go in episode 1, he’s contributing to the action, that’s for sure!” Those who enjoyed the first season of Preacher may remember the cowboy showed up in modern times and was able to permanently dispatch an angel while making his intentions clear about finding “the preacher,” Dominic Cooper’s Jesse Custer.

“It pretty much picks up straight off from where we left everybody in season 1,” agrees McTavish, “and he has a singular purpose, and that is to get ahold of Genesis and thereby be reunited with his family. He doesn’t have anything personally against Jesse; he is merely a means to an end, and all the poor folks that stray into my path are merely people to be removed — again, without any personal animosity.”

Read the rest of the interview here