
As Claire and her Jamie sail across the sea to Season 2, I thought it might be nice to take a look at how they got on the boat, figuratively speaking. That sweeping shot of them crossing the sea to influence The Bonnie Prince and save the Scots was a fitting end to a journey that started quite a while ago.  Some of us fans were there from the beginning. We were witness to the first steps taken in this epic adventure. Outlander was taken to the “stage” and we were all “players” more than willing to play our part in bringing this production to life.

THE BEGINNING: As fans of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series, we were weary of waiting to see our beloved story told on a screen. It just didn’t seem like it was going to happen. We all understood. These were BIG books and a big story.  As Diana has often said, ” a lot of really talented” people had tried to make a two-hour movie script for Outlander and failed. And, even though we really wanted to see our beloved characters in the flesh, many of us were relieved no one had succeeded in chopping our book down to fit a two-hour movie. (excuse me while I shudder at the mere thought that it really could have happened). Then…I was visiting Diana’s website one day when I saw this!

Read the rest of the article after the jump!

My response was who is Ron Moore? ( I know you are second-hand embarrassed for me) I wanted to know just WHO had the power to screw with my book! Evidently,…according to this tweet I found,…I was concerned.

Yeah……Well…..let’s move on shall we? LET THE CASTING BEGIN!  Once we knew it was real, the excitement was everywhere in the fandom. At this point, I got all my info from Diana’s site and Compuserve where Diana was known to hang out.  Karen Henry’s Outlandish Observations site was my first experience with a fan site.  The “bumble bee herder” was a God send. She was on top of the latest news. The cast watches were birthed and I can remember telling folks I didn’t know how they were going to cast Jamie!  I couldn’t think of a single actor that would even come close to the age, height and hair color needed to fit the part!  We had only begun to speculate (people were still posting pics of  Chris Helmsworth) when this happened…

I would LOVE to say the fan base was thrilled that the role of Jamie had been filled, yeah…I’d love to say that…but…uhmmm….not so much. This guy didn’t LOOK like Jamie! My God! The fans lamented! What were they thinking! His hair wasn’t red, his nose wasn’t long enough and he was only 6’3″ not 6’4″ !  Diana had to get on social media to reassure everyone that she had seen the audition tape and within seconds the actor disappeared and Jamie was living and breathing right in front of her eyes.  The author said it was okay, so we all breathed a sigh of relief and fans let go of their concerns about hair color (If I was Pinocchio my nose would be soooo long right now).  It was rumored that Sam Heughan tweeted, so I felt compelled to open an account so I could tell him congratulations. My first tweet was to Sam and my love affair with Twitter was begun.  I started seeing people talking about Outlander and started following certain folk that seemed like-minded @susanfields was the first to welcome me then @kbuddyK @luWaynea and @Katblatt and the next thing I knew I was “talking” to people on a regular basis about our love of Outlander. Every time a new cast member was announced we rejoiced, but where was our Claire? What was taking so long? Finally, this…

Sigh….Caitriona Balfe…I remember thinking she was perfect and all was right with the world …we had our Claire. We couldn’t pronounce her name, but we had our Claire. FILMING BEGINS Things seemed to happen very rapidly or slowly after that depending on your point of view! Early into the filming, Diana and Ron were seated on a panel at the NYC Comic Con. We loved seeing them together and loved hearing that they were collaborating and that Ron’s biggest concern was not “screwing up my wife’s favorite book”! We loved hearing Diana tell the world that Ron’s idea for a TV version of Outlander was the first thing she’d read that didn’t make her ” turn white or burst into flames”.  We loved the brief message from Sam and Cait from “Bonny Scotland”. Our first time seeing them together! Basically,…we just loved it . They were filming! And…miracle of miracles the production folks were talking to us and sharing back stage stuff! And, we found out that some of the big players, Maril Davis and The Matt B. Roberts, were fans just like us! (well not just like us, but..)  We started to develop our own Outlander jargon like #squeee #JAMMF and enjoyed special insider treats like Matt’s “POTD” and Maril’s “heard on set”!  And, like Cher and Oprah, some folks only needed one name…Terry. Even the drivers got in on the act! Hey Guys! …

We sopped up every picture Starz cared to show us and searched the net daily for interesting tidbits about cast and crew. And, then… this… http://youtu.be/qOR_8tLUMTo

My niece’s response…

She is the voice of her generation.

It WAS good but this is the pic that busted my ovaries… (click to read the tweet, *snort)

A COMMUNITY GROWS: The Outlander “fanmily” continued to grow. Fan groups were developed like the Caitriots and the Heughligans.  Social media was a buzz with a little thing called “Outlander Invades LA”.  This has to be one of my favorite moments in the whole journey. Finally, Diana, Ron, Cait, Sam and…the fans were together under one roof and it was a beautiful mutual love fest!  My heart warms just thinking of how blown away Sam and Cait were. They had no idea what they had gotten themselves into!  They were so damn cute together! She laughed at him like he was her geeky little brother. The group welcomed them warmly and I’m sure they felt the love… https://youtu.be/GFKLaULo6Vo And, then some little guy made his appearance and Starz introduced their community page. The Pocket Jamie photo contest commenced. I won a PJ and began to compete with other fans to take unique pictures of Pocket Jamie (wrote about it of course, here).

I took him to breakfast at Waffle House…

To Cleveland…

To school…

I really think I should have won something…just sayin’…not that I’m still bitter or anything… This was also about the time my family began to be concerned…

Somewhere during this time period, I started a blog to practice writing. I needed something to write about and Outlander seemed the obvious choice given my current and so far, enduring obsession. My nieces decided they needed to send one of my articles to Herself and the rest, as they say, is history. But, I wasn’t the only one getting their creative groove on! Wow, can Outlander fans do #EpicShit!  Fan events. Blogs. Charity drives. Memes. Art. Poetry. All inspired by our love of Outlander! We made t-shirts, learned Gàidhlig, increased Scottish tourism about a million percent, decorated cakes, made Outlander themed jewelry, tattoos and even matching JAMMF Jammies ,so we would be sure to have sweet dreams!

Our connections to each other grew. We had Ooutlander Knitters, Outlander Bakers, Outlander Herbalists, Outlander Support Groups. Friends we met on-line became real-life friends from all over the world.  I met my Outlander twin when we attended an Emulsion screening to support Sam.

We were amazed and proud of  the community we had created!

OUR DREAM CAME TRUE.  Before we knew it the season’s filming was a wrap. They released the first few episodes to the media.  We started to read some reviews and critiques. We were not a happy lot. There seemed to be a general consensus that anything geared toward appealing to a female audience had to be flawed! Anyone remember this article in Vanity fair?

Does the New Outlander Series Have What It Takes to Be More than Just a Bodice-Ripper?

At Comic-Con this weekend, we got our first peek at what the immensely popular time-travel/romance book series Outlander will look like as a TV show. But does it have a chance to, like Game of Thrones, break out of the niche genre audience into the mainstream? All early signs point to no. Because in order to become a true hit, Outlander, a steamy, time-traveling romp through Scotland, is going to have to find a way to appeal to more than just your dear old mum. In other words, it can’tjust be Fifty Shades of Plaid.

We of course took umbrage and wrote scathing rebuttals!   Myself included! http://wp.me/p4mtBT-b6 Just you wait and see was our reply! This story is much more than you think!

In the meantime, some lucky folks were getting to go to the premier! They were very generous with their pictures and the panel was televised!  Some great stuff there! Including the infamous “you sir have one fine ass” line that continues to spark debate!  And, then… they got to watch the premiere!  One journalist covering the NYC premier said she’d never seen anything like it! The enthusiasm! She expected the biggest cheers to be for Sam when he walked on stage, but I was proud when she wrote that the biggest applause was reserved for the author.  That’s cuz Diana is a goddess…duh! The Episode was good. Fans were rapt. Fans wept. As we had hoped Ron and crew had done us proud!

Lucky for us, Diana’s latest book, Written in my Heart’s Own Blood, hit the shelves ( and the best sellers list) while we were waiting for August to roll around. We planned premier parties, we figured out  how to make the show trend, we discussed how to get significant others to watch with us and when the day finally arrived I felt kinda like this!

AND IT WAS GOOD AND THE PEOPLE REJOICED It was a show to be proud of and it only got better.  The series brought new fans to the fold and the fandom grew and changed like the living breathing thing it is.  We had many more firsts, creativity, and Outlander to discuss and fangurl/guy over. I now find it hard to remember  what the characters in my head looked like because the actors so embodied what Diana wrote.  When I read about Jamie being a leader, I see Sam. When I read of Claire healing again, I see Cait.  I’m so proud to be a fan of this show. They fulfilled the promise of bringing these wonderful characters, their struggles, and… love to life. And, …we love them all for it even when we nitpick, or squabble or worry that Sam is only 6’3″.

Because Diana wrote a book….and Ron read it… Thanks for one of the greatest experiences of my life!

– A fan