New Interview with Matt Roberts from The Hollywood Reporter

Here is a new interview with Matt Roberts from THR

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From THR:

Matt Roberts, who wrote Saturday’s episode, breaks down that shocking and heart-wrenching ending for Claire and Jamie.

[Warning: This story contains spoilers from Saturday’s episode of Outlander, “Best Laid Schemes.’]

Read more after the jump!

Jamie’s (Sam Heughan) betrayal of his promise to Claire (Caitriona Balfe) may have just cost him the ultimate price on Outlander.

After agreeing to not kill Black Jack Randall (Tobias Menzies) for one year to allow him to father a child with Mary Hawkins (Rosie Day) — to ensure Frank Randall’s (also Menzies) existence in the future — the episode ended with Jamie dueling and severely wounding Black Jack. Although viewers did not get the full explanation as to why Jamie went back on his word so soon after promising Claire, the two men were found fighting each other in the woods with all the strength they had to kill the other.

Claire arrived at the duel as soon as she heard about it from her maids, but could only watch in horror as one of her husbands was about to die (Jamie, at the hands of Black Jack or Frank if Black Jack was killed before having a child with Mary). The stress of losing one of the men she loves caused something to go horribly wrong with her pregnancy, and she began to bleed and collapsed in extreme pain while the police arrived to arrest Jamie and Black Jack for dueling.

Read the entire article at the source