New Interview with Tobias Menzies from Entertainment Weekly

From EW:

In tonight’s episode of Outlander on Starz, Claire Fraser’s worst nightmare is realized when she lays eyes again on Capt. Jonathan “Black Jack” Randall (Tobias Menzies), the man who savagely raped her husband Jamie back in Scotland. EW asked Menzies to explain what drives his alter-ego and why he’s so hell-bent on conquering Jamie.

Read more after the jump!

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What’s with Black Jack’s obsession with Jamie?

TOBIAS MENZIES: I don’t think he hates Jamie. I think he is stimulated by him, intrigued by him. I think in some way Jamie represents everything that Jack isn’t, and you both love and want to destroy the thing that you can’t be. As someone who is interested in pain and people’s pain thresholds, he flogs Jamie and Jamie is able to withstand more punishment than he’s ever administered to anyone. So I think he finds Jamie to be a remarkable person. Yes, he’s twisted, but it’s a sort of rugged, weird respect.

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