New Interview of Diana Gabaldon with Three If By Space

Here is a new interview with Diana Gabaldon from Three If By Space


From Three If By Space

In part 3 of my ComicCon Outlander coverage, our table of bloggers and reporters talked with Diana Gabaldon about the show, the books, the connections between the two, and her “crazy” fans. Diana was very relaxed, laughed with us, and was very forthcoming about her social media engagement. As always, she was poised, friendly and elegant. I asked her about her own literary influences. And be sure to get to the bottom, where I asked Diana a bonus question during a personal interview.

Read the interview after the jump

Q When you started writing, who were your literary influences, and how do you feel about now being a literary influence yourself?

A I had five literary influences, who I was consciously taking craft from , and those would have been Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dorothy L. Sayers, John D.MacDonald, a thriller writer, from him I learned the narrative drive and pacing, and how to control a series character, and P.G. Wodehouse, a British comic novelist who is just fabulous with  manipulations of language, and a lot of Claire’s, the way she talks, and her interior monologue.

Q And then how do you feel about being an influence – like Gen Graham has said she started her novels because of your writing.

A I’m extremely flattered that they could take anything from me, they’re more than welcome to it.

And questions from the other reporters at the roundtable

Q As we wait to see who will be cast as Brianna and Roger, what are some of their individual characteristics you are looking forward to being brought to the screen?

A Well, it’s hard to say because so much of it depends on the actor and what they can do. Now, Sam for instance is a very analytical actor, and he has read the books several times, and you can see him do Jamie’s little physical things, like drumming his fingers when he’s thinking, and so forth, and those are conscious decisions. At the same time, you instantly grasp the emotional sense of Jamie. The very first time I saw him in an audition tape, I never thought they would find anyone who could do that, and they did, just like that. At the same time, there’s a certain Sam-ness to him. It’s very weird to be sharing joint custody with a character. And on the other hand, Cait is completely different. It took them forever to find a Claire. You’ve probably heard the story about how they picked her out of the slush pile,  and she just walked into that part and inhabited it. Her physique is not as described in the book, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve always said to people that it doesn’t matter that much what an actor looks like, it’s how they act. She totally inhabits it.

Read the rest of the interview at the source