*New* Interview with Ron D.Moore from Yahoo TV **FINALE SPOILERS**

Here’s a new interview with Ron D.Moore from Yahoo TV


From Yahoo TV:

Fellow time travelers, we have come to the end of our Season 1 Outlander journey. It will be months before we get to watch the ginger and his knocked-up gal pal’s Parisian escapades. Even worse, it will be months before the Highland heinie’s next cameo.

But before the idea of a Sassenach-less summer sends you on a Rhenish bender, Yahoo TV has one last postmortem Q&A to stem the tidal wave of tears — and hopefully help you heal after that emotionally-draining final hour. Executive producer Ronald D. Moore talks with us about the controversial Black Jack-Jamie prison scenes in “To Ransom A Man’s Soul,” what it was like to air after the Game Of Thrones rape controversy, and his overall satisfaction with Season 1. He was also kind enough to indulge a few Season 2 queries, so if you don’t want to know anything, there’s a glass of Collum’s finest calling.

Read more after the jump!

Congratulations, you managed to get all the way through book one without hardcore fans calling for your head.
[Laughs] There were probably a few close calls around the wedding episode, but I feel very good about Season 1, and about how the show was received by hardcore fans of Diana [Gabaldon]’s books as well as by the general audience whose first Outlander experience was the TV series. I think it was a successful year.

The finale was filled with heavy, gut-wrenching scenes to watch — the torture, rape, and psychological breakdown of Jamie, the shame that followed, and his eventual admission to Claire. Were you ever worried about how the audience would respond to just how dark you dared to go?
Well, sure, you are always concerned about audience response. We are not making this show in a vacuum, and we are making it to be watched and enjoyed — although that feels like a weird word to use here. So when you are writing, shooting, and ultimately cutting it together, I am always looking at it with an eye toward how the audience will receive it. My guidepost was my own sense of what is too much and what is not enough. I would look at the scenes and say to myself, “What is the point at which I cannot watch this anymore?” And that was always the line. If I turned away, then we would cut it back. But on the other side, if I felt we were shying away simply because it was hard to watch, being too coy, or not doing such an important plot point and such a life-altering trauma justice…

Read the rest of the article here