*NEW* Sam Heughan and Tobias Menzies Interview with Nerdist *SPOILERS*

The interview discusses some revelations in the series. If you haven’t watched yet, don’t read.


On Saturday’s episode of Outlander, we got some pretty major insight into the show’s most nefarious character, Black Jack Randall. The eye-opening discussion of his previous dealings with the Fraser kids — both Jenny and Jamie — have painted an even more intense picture of the very bad dude at the heart of the series’ central conflict.

So we went right to the source — actors Sam Heughan and Tobias Menzies (Jamie Fraser and Black Jack Randall respectively) — to get their take on what went down. If you haven’t seen Saturday’s episode, we suggest you tune in before reading this interview, as it contains major spoilers for “Lallybroch.”

Read more after the jump!

Nerdist: What do you think about the darker doings we’re dealing with when it comes to Black Jack this second half?

Tobias Menzies: On an essential level it’s very enjoyable stuff to play because it’s rich and exciting; it gives you a lot of rope to work with in a way. He’s a really great and interesting and complicated character as baddies often are. We watch drama and we watch stories to live vicariously and see people do the things we’re not allowed to do and Jack is definitely in that honorable tradition. He says the things we wouldn’t dare to say. Obviously he goes a lot further into much darker waters [this half], but I think we’ve always had the tradition of dark fairytales, from childhood onward, and I think humans are always drawn to dark stories. It’s sort parable really, isn’t it? It’s a way of dealing with this sort of thing without having to experience it in our own lives.

N: Jamie in particular seems to have a lot of very complicated relationships in his life, like with Jenny his sister and Black Jack.

Sam Heughan:[laughs] Yeah it is very complicated. It all kind of goes back to that fateful moment that we flash back to in a lot of the episodes — the whipping and the flogging — and what he believe happens to his sister that he couldn’t stop with Black Jack. He also believes his father died and it was his fault at that point as well, so he’s got a lot of issues and relationships he’s not dealt with — he kind of ran away to France and Spain to fight these battles instead.

Read the rest of the interview at the source HERE