NEW Still of Claire Fraser in Outlander Season 4 from TV Line   6 comments

Here is a NEW Still Claire Fraser in Outlander Season 4 from TV Line

Claire and Jamie Fraser strike out to make a place for themselves in the New World — aka the 13 colonies — in Season 4 of Starz’s historical drama. But as readers of Diana Gabaldon’s Drums of Autumn know, the book’s biggest moment arrives when Jamie Fraser and his adult daughter, Brianna Randall, are face-to-face for the first time. “I can say that they will meet, and it will bring some tears,” executive producer Matthew B. Roberts says cagily. “This moment is such a big deal, we try to be as true to the source material as possible.”


6 responses to “NEW Still of Claire Fraser in Outlander Season 4 from TV Line

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  1. The excitement is building up – soon it will November 4th and Outlander will be with us again. Love the picture – Claire is an awesome fearless woman – a true pioneer. I know for sure that Caitriona will amaze us all again in her role as Claire.

  2. PLEASE tell me she’s not wearing that same darn skirt she wore to death in S3 in the picture.

  3. She literally dragged that skirt through the mud of Lallybroch; she got every imaginable bodily fluid on it from the men with typhoid she treated on the Porpoise, not to mention goat milk and poop (before jumping ship into the ocean); she got her own blood all over it as she was running to find Jamie on Crazy Father Fogden’s island; she nearly chopped Geillis’ head off while wearing the skirt in the cave; she all but drowned in the skirt during the hurricane; and then she rolled around in the sand on the Georgia shore wearing the skirt. Must be a pretty swell apron to protect against all that!

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