Sam Heughan’s Interview With Men’s Journal and a Few Untagged Pics   1 comment

Here’s Sam Heughan’s interview with Men’s Journal that included a few untagged pics that were previously tagged. 


From Men’s Journal: 

THERE WAS A TIME when Heughan wasn’t so darn buff. He ran races and triathlons, trained martial arts and Muay Thai in Thailand, and did mostly body-weight workouts. It’s only been in the past few years that he started lifting seriously. “Jamie Fraser doesn’t have access to a gym,” Heughan says. “It’s his lifestyle that gives him his body. He’s an outdoorsman, a fighter, and I wanted to build that sort of body.”

More after the jump! 

That meant adding in Olympic lifts in a CrossFit-like program, designed by his trainer, John Valbonesi, with the goal of adding muscle and definition while avoiding injury. The Muay Thai training helps with the authenticity of the fight scenes.

His regimen is also a survival mechanism. Outlander, which shoots in 14- to 16-hour days, generally outdoors, is dialogue heavy. He has to remember today’s lines and memorize tomorrow’s all while mastering Scotland’s cold, rocky north. “It’s a bit of a runaway train—it never stops,” Heughan says.

Read the rest of the article here at the source.

Posted July 11, 2018 by justfp in Interviews, Outlander, Sam Heughan

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One response to “Sam Heughan’s Interview With Men’s Journal and a Few Untagged Pics

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  1. After reading the interview above, I think Sam Heughan is right – he needs a personal assistant! Sam is always on the go – achieving some of his many goals. Time for a bit of break from it all. Great interview -loved reading it. Thank you for sharing.

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