NEW BTS Still of John Bell in Outlander Season 3   4 comments

Here is a NEW BTS Still of John Bell in Outlander Season 3


Posted November 2, 2017 by primrosesandrue16 in John Bell, Outlander

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4 responses to “NEW BTS Still of John Bell in Outlander Season 3

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  1. Have noticed continued flubs in wardrobe matching when scenes change. Latest in ep7 was when J and C arrive at the print shop on fire. Jamie is not wearing his big long scarf and grabs Clairs cloke to run into burning building but when he is on the catwalk looking for Ian he throws the long tail of a scarf over his shoulder and mouth to jump over railing and the cloak is not seen any more. Still wondering why no reference to Jamie’s disabled hand or even it’s appearance has been given. No physical affection in this episode. Not liking this version of Jamie. Very full of himself. He takes no responsibilety and shows no remorse for the intruder to their roo aND atracking Claire.. It was because of his crookedness and he never should have left her alone.. Never apoligizes. He seems a little too attentive to Madame Jennea in the looks they exchange and touching here and there. Having read the books and knowing what happens next I am looking forward to his playing Clair finally catching up to him and his dishonesty being his undoing. At this point he doesnt deserve Claire.Jenny and Leoraie are my least favorite characters, after Frank and BJ Randel, and hoping they both get put into place as in book this next episode. So many juicy things have been dropped or changed altogether this season. Hope this storyline will be true to book.Young Ian and Fergus are both delightful and much as book described them. Mr. Wilowbey not so much. Be glad to see C and J back on the road and outdoors. Guess the kilt days are over for Jamie,dammit, but hope to see his hair wild and curly. Miss the Highland plaids. Like Clair in the wild also. She is lovely no matter what.

  2. Another young man with tons of talent. Outlander is not short of highly talented young actors/actresses – will be looking forward to seeing them in future endeavours.

  3. I love reading your episode summaries and find it fascinating what they do and don’t include, particularly with the references to the script. I look forward to the next episode (and your review!)

  4. I am also looking forward to the upcoming Episodes.

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