‘Outlander’ wins ‘Critics Choice’ Most Bingeworthy award   6 comments

Congrats to the Outlander cast and crew!


6 responses to “‘Outlander’ wins ‘Critics Choice’ Most Bingeworthy award

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  1. Of course it IS the ‘most bingeworthy’–and it should have snagged best actor/actress for Sam & Cait. I only watched the CC Awards show tonight to see if “Outlander” won awards and found that it was the ONLY BRIGHT LIGHT in a lackluster show of other boring productions of navel gazing plus the preening, “humor” and self-promotion of the host made me glad I’d never wasted my time on that awards show before…at least “Outlander” got ONE award. It deserved more, and more nominations in other categories.
    Can’t get those 3 hours back for my life but the brief joy of the award was some comfort (I, too, binge on Diana’s books and STARZ’ “Outlander!” series). Spring 2017 cannot come too soon. The “Drought” gets worse and worse by Christmas, New Years and the countdown til the premier of each season. Here’s to an earlier premiere date, PLEASE STARZ?!!!

  2. One of these days ‘those people’ whoever they are, will stop playing favorites and get down to awarding intensely serious acting. Outlander is a grinding workload for all involved, not to mention the rain and freezing temps. An outstanding production from beginning to end.

  3. I watched the whole show myself, only because Outlander was nominated for an award! So glad they won!!!

  4. Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of “Outlander” magnificent performance by All! Merry Christmas and a
    New Year!!!

  5. For me I’m glad that Outlander came up front in one of the categories’. Acting is a tough job and it seems the “clicks” in this business are somewhat to be desired.

  6. Two years in a row! They are truly worthy! I just hope we can do the same at the People’s Choice Awards next month! Tulach Ard!!

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