We’ll Take a Few…Please and Thank You…#EmmysforOutlander   19 comments


A friend and I were speaking today about how every time we read something or hear something about Outlander Behind the Scenes (BTS) we are gobsmacked by the effort, talent, and artistry of the people involved.  I’ve heard folks working on the show say that it is like doing a movie every week. I’m really not sure what the means, but I’m impressed anyway! It sounds like they are doing something monumental and it certainly feels monumental when I sit down on a Saturday night to see the latest installment in the Outlander epic adventure.  In fact, my friend and I decided that once we heard about what all has to be done and how many people are involved, we can’t figure out for the life of us HOW it all comes together!  We agreed that it is a miracle that any movie or show doesn’t fail when you consider the logistics alone.  Outlander is far and away from failing.  When I sit back and just take a look at what I have been presented , I begin to understand how truly remarkable the show is and how lucky I am as a  fan to have people who have so lovingly cared for the story of Jamie and Claire.

Read more after the jump!


And, so its Emmy time again.  Some have coined the phrase the “silver age” of television in an attempt to describe the sheer amount of good television there is to be viewed right now.  There is a lot of TV and performances for the Emmy voters to choose from. The fairly new ability to binge watch a show has made us all slightly better consumers of TV and a bit more informed about the shows up for possible nominations.  Binge watching Outlander deepened my appreciation for the choices and storytelling I witnessed this season. Once again, I’ll acknowledge that I don’t know a whole lot about what sets one performance or show above another in the voter’s minds.  I only know what I like.  I only know what moved me. However, the fact that Outlander moved me so often has to mean something! And, if they are looking for a show that isn’t afraid to tell the whole truth or be different then I think Outlander has a chance.  Quite frankly, there is nothing like it on tv.

Does this count?


When I think of the risks taken, I’m so impressed.  This show does honor to its sometimes controversial subject matter.  Difficult topics are handled honestly and bravely.  We saw the aftermath not just the event. We saw ground-breaking TV.

How about this?


This show was a visual wonder set to music in Paris and Scotland.  I keep saying it, but they made me believe and transported me to the foreign world of 1749’s Paris and Scotland.  I’m so appreciative of the creative minds of Jon Gary Steele, Terry Dresbach, and Bear Mc Creary.  And, I’m appreciative of Starz for committing to making this show the quality program it is.  They told a beautiful story.


Image result for unicorns

Diana Gabaldon’s story of the adventures of a passionately committed couple has enriched my life in many ways and I’m grateful.  We fans were so excited to see that story come to life on the screen and I believe we were hoping for a literal translation. I’ve grown to understand that wish is impossible and maybe not even desirable.  I’ve grown to appreciate the difficulties of visually adapting her huge books and stories.  It is a juggling act that I don’t believe any of us looking in from the outside could ever fully appreciate.  As I have so recently learned, doing right by a great book and being faithful to it are two separate issues and that good adaptations have an active engagement with the material that can be faithful to the source material without being a slave to it.  There were some great episodes this season that told wonderful stories about the truths of love, life, and war.  The writers and producers told their story and yet, honored the source material.

And,  finally…


It has been a joy to watch the acting in this series.  I love that the actors love going “there” because this story definitely has emotional places to take us. The performances were stellar.  What wonderful casting.  It is difficult for me to see the book characters in my head anymore because these actors have so embodied them.  The subtlety was sublime.  What they were able to emote with a swallow, a look or body carriage spoke volumes. In my humble opinion, Emmy worthy performances.

We will find out soon.  I hope they get nods.  They deserve it.

Posted July 13, 2016 by bethwesson in Outlander, Outlandish Anticipation

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19 responses to “We’ll Take a Few…Please and Thank You…#EmmysforOutlander

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  1. Praying the cast and all affiliTed with it are nominated and WIN

  2. i am afraid to hope this show deserves all the accolades it can muster

  3. Let me try typing correctly this time: Outlander deserves every Emmy available! It is brilliant in every way!

  4. Sam, Cait and Outlander definitely deserve an Emmy. It is the best show on TV.

    Astrid Doolaege
  5. Outlander deserves nominations is every category from set design, costuming, cinematography, music, direction and acting. It deserves to win as well, but the majority of the people who vote for the Emmy’s are older people who keep voting for the same shows year after year. I wonder what percentage of eligible voters actually take the time to view the shows and make an informed vote. I would bet it is a very small percentage. Amazing how Outlander wins lots of viewer choice awards but the “establishment” seems not to take notice.

  6. Seeing the vision of Paris and Scotland in 1745 -46 during the Jacobite Rebellion will stay with me always. I will definitely be watching the Emmy Awards nominations tomorrow morning and pray that our Outlander family is recognized for their outstanding contributions to quality television. Good luck all! Tulach Ard!!

  7. I’m almost afraid to watch–if they are not nominated, I think it will be incredibly devastating. Do you know what time they will be announced? (EST)

  8. Outlander is hands down the best television there is. Writing, acting, costume, music, scenery, production, and everything about it are so superb it is difficult for me to find the words to describe it. I’m binge-watching the entire series for the third time and each time find another memorable scene that I missed before. Like the book, the multiple times I have read them provide me with a new and deeper appreciation of the author’s magic which is also created on the screen. Outlander must win many Emmys.

  9. Its time for an Emmy.

  10. Outlander definitely deserves Emmy nominations, but I know the noms usually go to the same shows year after year. I hope I am surprised tomorrow and we get multiple nominations!

  11. Love this❤️! Hoping for nominations but some people don’t realize greatness when it’s right in front of them.

  12. Hi Teresa, This is a great piece written about the show! J xxx

    Sent from my iPad


  13. I have tried to express several times what you have articulated so artfully. Watching Outlander and learning about the adaptation process has been like taking a master class taught by the best in the business. The assemblage of that kind of talent is yet another testament to the source material. I have always felt the show benefited enormously by being headquartered in Scotland with a euro-centric cast and crew which may, sadly, impact its Emmy chances as well. I do hope the voters, at a minimum, recognize the extraordinary production values that could be less of a political hot potato. However, in the end, Outlander might have to be satisfied with an ardent fan base for the time being.

  14. Well said!! I agree wholeheartedly. The actors in Outlander are outstanding. The sets and costumes are unbelievably beautiful. Hard to believe this is a TV show. Kudos to Starz for their support of a quality production.

  15. “Gobsmacked!!!” I’m quoting you, BSW. That’s how Outlander makes me feel! I’v never felt this way about a television show – or a set of books and characters.

  16. Yes, anyone who watches the show can tell the quality they put into the making. Though it maybe hard for some to understand the show is a adaptation of Diana’s books. Beth you put your best words forward.Thanks

  17. Now we know there are no nominations for the cast but well deserved for Terry D. and Jon Gary S…more than deserved as their talents exceed excellence in design. No doubt the Emmys are still in the usual rut..same shows over and over..some just fine, I guess, but Outlander is in a class by itself and being in Scotland is a plus for all involved. They must surely know just how impressive they are in cast and all involved. Ron Moore has put it together memorably. Jamie and Claire are unforgettable as are the supporting cast, but you have to admit…they steal the show.

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